I know I can do better…
Well I’m really just speechless. I was so excited to receive the IBM coding challenge, but between other job interviews, staying organized with google docs to track my network, Hackerrank and Leetcode challenges, working, and trying to maintain my relationships with others, it’s been extremely tough.
I decided to give the Entry-Level Backend challenge a try. Note: Your results remain on file for an entire year, but I wasn’t sure I was completely ready to jump out there and code. I had to find out where I stood. The first challenge was relatively simple, so I used the language I’m the most familiar with, JavaScript. The next challenge was a bit tougher. I believe it was “Purchasing Supplies or something. I tried Ruby, didn’t work. I tried JavaScript, was completely lost. If I couldn’t figure it out with at least those 2, I knew Python was going to give me trouble. I believe it had a lot to do with the wording of the challenge, not necessarily the code.
Well after spending almost 2.5 hours trying to code the solutions, researching methods, functions, and obvious logic, I realized I have a long way to go. I just didn’t want to have another crazy breakdown. I don’t have that outlet. I really have to pull myself together once again. Remind myself why I am doing this. Maybe the imposter syndrome started kicking in. I feel my goal to have an opportunity to break into tech is starting to slip away. I really know I can do better.
…Back to Data Structures and Algorithms.